Procedure for evaluating your new practice

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper vehicula sapien et ultricies. Nam posuere nunc id massa vehicula, quis cursus augue dignissim. Pellentesque at bibendum enim, eu iaculis magna. Vestibulum vehicula lorem vitae justo pretium, a blandit diam laoreet. Fusce mollis imperdiet libero, ac rhoncus neque vulputate vel. Sed nunc neque, efficitur ut dui in, vehicula posuere metus. Nam ac maximus neque. Quisque nisi ante, pharetra id rutrum vel, facilisis laoreet urna. Morbi at enim sodales, feugiat nunc quis, lobortis odio. Vivamus eget ornare lorem, a porttitor quam. Nunc tristique gravida tortor in interdum. Sed ac euismod dui. Maecenas viverra pellentesque justo ut elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur tincidunt facilisis tellus, nec blandit ex vestibulum vitae.

Vestibulum laoreet 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper vehicula sapien et ultricies. Nam posuere nunc id massa vehicula, quis cursus augue dignissim. Pellentesque at bibendum enim, eu iaculis magna. Vestibulum vehicula lorem vitae justo pretium, a blandit diam laoreet. Fusce mollis imperdiet libero, ac rhoncus neque vulputate vel. Sed nunc neque, efficitur ut dui in, vehicula posuere metus. Nam ac maximus neque. Quisque nisi ante, pharetra id rutrum vel, facilisis laoreet urna. Morbi at enim sodales, feugiat nunc quis, lobortis odio. Vivamus eget ornare lorem, a porttitor quam. Nunc tristique gravida tortor in interdum. Sed ac euismod dui. Maecenas viverra pellentesque justo ut elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur tincidunt facilisis tellus, nec blandit ex vestibulum vitae.


Discover more on the Aquifer project news and on aquifer management

aquifer news

Description and objectives of the project

The scientific community recommends a substantial improvement in the knowledge of aquifers, the establishment of reliable monitoring networks and a greater involvement of the administration and users to achieve a sustainable management of aquifers. The main objective...

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Information on the project

The Llobregat Delta Water Users' Community has designed recharge basins in Molins de Rei to recharge the Baix Llobregat aquifer. View of one of the reloading basins during the test phase The Llobregat Delta Water Users' Community is one of the nine partners in the...

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Success stories in groundwater management

Compilation of groundwater management success stories completed. Throughout April, the 30 cases of innovative practices in groundwater management have already been selected by the clusters participating in the project: PPA, CWP and AV. The task started with the...

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You are in charge of an innovative practice regarding aquifer management and you want to referenced it on the AQUIFER platform ?

Fulfill the form and propose it to the AQUIFER partners.


To go further on information related to the management of aquifers


Vous êtes responsable d'une pratique innovante en matière de gestion des aquifères et vous souhaitez la référencer sur la plateforme AQUIFER ?

Remplissez le formulaire et proposez votre pratique aux partenaires du projet AQUIFER.


Pour aller plus loin sur les informations liées à la gestion des aquifères


¿Está a cargo de una práctica innovadora en materia de gestión de acuíferos y desea referenciarla en la plataforma del proyecto AQUIFER?

Cumplimenta el formulario y haz una propuesta a los socios de AQUIFER.


Profundiza en información relacionada con la gestión de acuíferos


Está a desenvolver ou implementar uma prática inovadora em matéria de gestão de aquíferos e deseja referência-la na plataforma do projeto AQUIFER?

Preencha o formulário e faça uma proposta aos parceiros do projeto AQUIFER.


Aprofunde a informação relacionada com a gestão dos aquíferos